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Internet users with a prepaid bill are likely to be subjected to identity theft as the ISP has already received the payment. Comparatively, users with a post paid internet connection are less likely to be subjected to identity theft, as there is always some outstanding amount, and the ISP will visit the address provided by the internet user, before confirming the internet connection. However, even then, a fraud with a powerful backer or contacts may claim to own the internet connection, though he or she may not be having the dongle or even any of the documents submitted to the ISP. It is measure of the corruption and nepotism in Indian society today, that such frauds are supported

However, the disadvantage of having a post paid connection is that the internet user may be forced to pay highly inflated internet bills due to factors beyond the users control. In a prepaid connection, the losses of the internet user are limited to balance amount in the internet users account, if that amount is used up , the internet connection stops working. The internet user may then decide whether to recharge or not recharge the account based on the circumstances under which the connection has been used up.

This is guide to reducing the internet bill ( or atleast ensuring that the user does not pay for unauthorised data transfer) was based on extensive research using an Airtel postpaid connection. Check Airtel test method, where both the billing amount and data transfer was monitored very closely over a period of several months. Initially the user was forced to pay a huge amount even though the internet connection was used for a very short time. Complaining to the ISP did not help at all. This webmaster then decided to carry out a detailed analysis of the possible reasons for the inflated internet bill. Some of the reasons for the inflated bill were:
1. High speed connection - today many USB dongles are available with speeds of 7.2 Mbps and 14.4 Mbps , but using these dongles can be very expensive for many reasons. Most internet users do not need such a high speed connection for their online activities.
2. Unauthorised data transfer - often the data transfer is not initiated by the internet user, it is unauthorised data transfer to download malware and spyware on the computer or steal files from the computer or laptop. By using a suitable method to block the illegal data transfer, the problem can be solved in a very short time.
We have managed to reduce our internet bill to less than one third of the earlier bill. For any technical problem , there is always a solution, but for some human beings ( harassing this webmaster by promoting a fraud identity thief), there is no solution to their greed, shameless, lies and fraud as they try to take credit for work they do not do and money they do not spend.
